The Pursuit Of Happiness

Why is it that these days, everyone is a self-appointed guru/guide/leader/philosopher or rather aptly a-person-who-has-mastered-life? Why do they just assume that I have absolutely no control over my life and they, the God-appointed people consider it as their duty to enlighten my path to righteousness? Moreover, the majority of these preachers have themselves failed to achieve the so-called-success in their lives. But, unfortunately this does not stop them from rattling of with suggestions the next time I meet them.
I do agree that everyone needs a motivating factor in the gloomy journey of life. A know-it-all person who can give us the ultimate formula for a happy life. But in my opinion, can anyone but YOU decide what is best for YOU? Can someone be a better judge of your life than YOU, yourself? Is happiness a milestone in one’s life? Or is it a momentary state of mind whose beauty lies in its fleeting nature? There is no magic mantra, no formula, no divine procedure as to ‘attain’ happiness. Also, let’s reflect on the popular belief: Success and Happiness go hand in hand. Is it so? Look around you, don’t just look, observe the people around you. Isn’t everyone still in the pursuit of happiness? And I say pursuit, because it’s a journey without a definite destination. There are no guarantees, no safety-hacks, no surety at all in the gamble called Life.
And thus, I reiterate my thinking, no one has the right to preach ‘happiness’ or ‘success’ onto others. He who tries and fails is not a Lost Traveller but an Explorer. So, my blunt request: STOP. Let me explore, let me experience, let me fail and then watch me gain.
In all probability, you may not agree with me? But that’s okay. Maybe you are right. Because what do I know, I’m just a mortal in pursuit of happiness.