Car Rally Medal

Design and construct a car rally medal and write 50 words describing it.

Materials Provided:

  • 6 foldable/flexible straws
  • 6 ice cream sticks
  • 5 rubber bands
  • 1 gift wrapper
  • 5 board pins
  • 1 cloth paper
  • 1 corrugated sheet
  • 1 cotton roll


  • This car rally medal has the corrugated sheet as the sturdy base .
  • Straws and more cardboard has been used to give more minute detail.
  • The stunning headlights are made with rubber bands and cotton balls.
  • The corrugated feel of the cardboard on the tires are meant to represent the threads and spikes in the tires.
  • The windshield is made using ice cream sticks for study purpose and butter paper for a translucent look.
  • The board pins are used to represent complementary light in the car.
  • The purple colour of the gift wrapping paper and pink sauce go well with each other.
  • It also has a long studies trap to function as a medal.