Robot Toy

Design a futuristic toy depicting the conservation of electricity and write 60 words on it.


Make a model on Conserve Electricity and write a brief description of it.

Material Provided:

  • Corrugated Sheet
  • Cotton Roll
  • Thumb pins
  • Straws
  • Rubber bands
  • Cardboard Sheet
  • Tissue Papers
  • Ribbon
  • Newspaper
  • Ice Cream Sticks


  • This is a model in the form of a robot, thus it looks futuristic and it clearly depicts the idea of conservation of electricity.
  • Electricity is a basic need nowadays in every house and its demand is growing day by day. Therefore, it is the need of the hour to conserve it and make judicious use of electricity.
  • This toy is made using cardboard, corrugated sheet and nespaper with simple geometric shapes.
  • Thumbtacks, straws and rubber bands have been used to add details on the robot. The hair made using cotton give it a human touch.
  • The robot holds a bulb and a plug socket in his hands to convey the idea of saving electricity.
  • Such important environmental topics can easily be introduced to children with the help of such futuristic and modern toys.