
One Aspect I Will Like to Change in my City

Painting the Town Redspit

     A great way of knowing if one has entered Lucknow is by the red stains on the walls due to spitting. Lucknow, the city of “Nawabs” is infested with people who chew tobacco and spit literally anywhere. These disgusting stains of disrespect can be found on the streets, on the walls of historical building inside Lucknow. So what is the solution? Changing people’s mindset is a tremendous and a time taking task. A highly improbable but not impossible task. In the past, signs reading, ‘Do not spit’ and imposing fines have bore no fruit. Drastic action to eradicate this careless habit and casual attitude towards our city, needs to take place immediately. The government as well as individuals should set up and start a campaign which actually works and is not just a cover-up to gain votes. It can be a branch to the ‘Swaach Bharat’ Campaign, which succeeded in spreading across the country like a forest fire. Spitting pans should be provided near the temporary tobacco-selling establishments. Even social networking sites can be used to our advantage. Instead of posting a lame joke next time let’s circulate the image of a person destroying our city’s grandeur. Moreover we as responsible citizens should fearlessly raise our voice when we see our fellow-beings ignoring the rules and posing a threat to the beauty of this city.Since these highly ignorant individuals pay no heed to the dangers that consumption of tobacco presents, its high time we shift our focus from their health to our city’s health. Change is possible but only when we are ready to dedicate ourselves for the cause. Let’s stop people from painting our city red by spitting on the walls.