
Must-Quit-O Prevention

There’s a new mosquito-repellent product in the market. And instead of killing the mosquitoes or driving them away, this product attracts ALL the mosquitoes towards itself. Every. Single. Mosquito. Thus, leaving the remaining room free from any mosquitoes. Yes, this is a product review article. Maybe even a paid promotion. After all, I need to put all of this influencer level following to good use, right? Well, the product isn’t by All-Out or Good-Knight or their likes. It works much better than an Insect and Mosquito Killer Machine that just makes a lot of irritating buzz, better than a Mosquito Net and even better than our trusted Odomos also known as moisturising cream. The product is I. Yes, let me elaborate.

I am the best solution to all your mosquito troubles. Seriously. I could be sitting with five layers of Odomos applied on my body, wearing fully covering clothes and I’ll still manage to be bitten by my arch-nemeses. It’s like I am ecstasy for mosquitoes. They just can’t get enough. No really! Haven’t you seen mosquitoes flying really low lazily like they’re in some dazed blacked out state? They do that after sucking some of my intoxicating blood. Some people say it’s in my genetic code to be more appealing to mosquitoes. Who knew my genetic coding could do me like that? People are out there being photo-genic and I’m here scratching my skin layer off, wondering if mosquito-genic is a word! I am even ready to strike a deal. I’d like to offer a small bowl full of my blood every year to the mosquitoes. I’d put in the syringe myself. In exchange for not being bitten throughout the year. Isn’t it a pretty good deal?

Nonetheless, my sister has often exploited this fact. Still does. Shamelessly uses me as a mosquito buffer while I suffer and rot in the eternal cycle of aggressive scratching or applying Odomos for the millionth time or squandering inside a mosquito net. I’d be sitting in a room full of people where no one gets bitten at all and I’ll have multiple scabs from mosquito bites. Every time I step outside there is this entire thought process of calculating the severity of the mosquito population there. Needless to say, Odomos has become my signature scent. You can always smell it on me. Always. Moreover, I’ll most probably have a handy Odomos tube in my backpack. Don’t judge me. And I certainly won’t judge you if you ask for it, if need be. Aaj toh maa ne bhi bol diya, “Kitni Odomos peeti ho!” If mosquitoes stop drinking my blood, I promise to stop drinking Odomos. Yes, this sentence has been directly translated from a Hindi thought.

And this state of paranoia was before I was afflicted with dengue. To be honest, it was surprising that it happened just last year considering the high rate at which I have been bitten by mosquitoes for the past two decades. Nonetheless, it happened and it was painful. ‘It’ being Kiwis. Terrible fruit. Why does my fruit have a crunchy element in it? Yuck. First, I was inseparable from an Odomos tube because I was scared of mosquitoes, now because I am scared of Kiwis. I have to allocate a separate amount for mosquito prevention every month from my allowance in the hostel. So instead of having a Mocha, I have to settle for a Latte or a Cappuccino every day. The money I save goes directly into my Mosquito Prevention Relief Fund. Open for charitable donations. Believe it or not, this is not a paid promotion by Odomos.

Hey, you!

Is it just my introverted ass that finds introductions awkward or anyone else too? Probably just me. Nonetheless there must be at least one botched up introduction in your life that you’d like to do over. What’s weirder: the ones where you introduce yourself or there is a mutual who does it? I am really curious to know what’s the thought process behind coming up with an introduction for oneself, be it professional or personal. What details to include? Which to leave out? And how much is enough? All of this can be adjusted if you go second. But what if you have to initiate the introduction? You might bore the other person with details, or end up not sharing enough which can even lead more awkwardness because then you have nothing more to talk about.

In my opinion the ones where a mutual acquaintance handles the introductions are somehow worse. I for one become more interested in what the person says about me. I start thinking of it as an opportunity to gauge the mutual’s mindset about me. What they think of me? What they think the other person should know about me? What words will they use to describe me, specially my personality? It goes without saying there have been instances where the introduction was so awkward in itself that I was left bamboozled. Don’t know if the other person was.

The most mind-rattling introductions are the ones which only specify the names of the stakeholders in that conversation. That is negligible information to carry the chat further. It’s then we start grasping at straws and start on a mindless journey talking about the colour of walls. Sometimes, even curtains. I was once introduced with three words, ‘Swasti’, ‘Mathematics’, ‘Single’. Is that it? Does that sum me up completely? Have I no other traits, qualities, achievements, significant events that could be added to that list? Or keeping it precise helps in creating an enigmatic, mysterious aura around me, which will draw people in to inquire more. Who am I kidding? That stuff doesn’t happen. This other time I was being introduced to a friend’s friend and she said, “….is funny, sarcastic, cheerful….” And till this date I am unaware if my friend was describing me or the other person! I missed hearing the crucial beginning of the sentence and now I am stuck in this purgatory of overthinking.

That is another reason why introductions feel so alien to me. By some mystical force, I become extremely hard of hearing. Before you draw any conclusions, let me clarify, I am not hard of hearing otherwise. And as soon as the person tells me their name, I stop listening. And even if I do, I forget it within the next five seconds. Or rather my brain starts thinking on dangerous levels which prevents me from registering any of the useful conversation that follows. The underlying problem could just be the fact that I am miserable at small talk. I cannot bear to talk about the weather or music or whatever people small-talk about.

May I remind you of re-introductions with relatives? Endless statements about how little I was when they last saw me or how old I’ve grown or the classic, pehchana? No aunty! No! I was five when you last saw me. I remember zilch from when I was five. I don’t even remember what I had for lunch yesterday. Please stop asking me if I recognise you. I am not a superhuman nor was a super-baby. I haven’t acquired cent percent functionality of my brain. And obviously I’ll grow up. You never asked me to stop, or pause, or even mention the fact that you might have a problem with me growing up.  You grew up too! I don’t go around accusing you of the fact that you didn’t tell me you’ll grow old uhm… I mean up. What else did expect to happen?

Nonetheless, the worst kind of introductions are when the other person says, “I’ve heard about you.” This gives me the shivers. Might seem completely harmless to some. It’s a pretty simple statement. My mind, on the other hand, that was already working at full speed just goes into over-drive listening to this. What have they heard? More importantly who have they heard it from? Does this place me at a disadvantage? In what context have they heard about me? And why can’t I be the person who has heard something about the other person? Why can’t it be the other way round? I have experiences where this exact statement has gone horribly and others where it has brought in unparalleled joy.

Unable to stop my self from inserting a series reference, I want to end my rant saying, “Hey, you!”

The Arya Sisters Review

Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na has been didi and mine’s all-time favourite film and we re-watched it again yesterday. Even though the acting gets a little cringy at times and too cheesy other times and might be too happy happy for you, I’m here to convince you to give it a try. And if you’ve already seen it, then just go re-watch it for the airport scene. You know it’s worth it.

  1. It’s a light watch. No tense, complicated stuff happens. It’s plain and simple and sweet and such an easy watch. Take a break from all the high drama series that mess with your brains.
  2. Did you know that since it was such a low budget film, actors wore outfits from their personal wardrobe? How sweet is that? And this film might be the only decent one in the acting careers of both the main leads.
  3. It is so refreshing to see college passouts so chilled out. They are okay with the fact that they have nothing lined up after college. No job. No higher study plans. And even though this scenario can exist only in superficial Bollywood movies, it is indeed a breath of fresh air.
  4. The extra chilled out parents. Especially Rata Pathak Shah and her dynamic with the portrait of her husband on the wall. This fantastical element is like it was written by Gabriel García Márquez. It is just under the surface of the real world, woven with such casual attitude that it doesn’t spring upon the viewers. Instead, it just puts your mind at ease.
  5. The songs. Each one is a complete banger in its own. If your name is Aditi, do you even have a count of the times people have randomly sung the song to you? And need I remind you the effects of Kahin To to anyone? Manzilo se raahein doodhti chali, kho gayi hai manzil kahin rahon mein.
  6. The enigmatic and secretive artist. For some reason he is always shown wearing clothes with huge blobs of paint on them. That’s not true. Artists have at least one pair of clothing that doesn’t have paint marks on it. Yet.
  7. You can watch the Before trilogy and consider this to be nonsense in comparison. But on a not so good a day, when you don’t even want to think, this film will be your saviour. Trust me it will.

Go watch or not. It’s your wish. Toodles.