A couple of days back I happen to have an encounter with a beautiful specimen of a human being. A person, a girl to be specific who single-handedly undid all of Darwin’s much coveted Evolution Theory by failing at a task so simple, it set back the entire human race back by at least a couple million years. So what should we call her? How about Curie, because why not? (This is in no way a reference to Madam Curie, please)
So, Curie was painting. Curie saw a small white bottle. Curie picked it up, read the label, which is shown here:
And then proceeded to use it as white paint. I repeat, white paint.
Okay so in her defense, white paint and adhesive have a lot of similarities, like they are WHITE and are sold in bottles, usually. And that’s about it. That’s where all similarities cease to exist.
Curie was unfazed by its consistency, its texture, its complete failure to work as white paint. She used it as paint. Though I did hear her criticise the fact that it was indeed bad quality paint, comparing it to curdled milk. Did that stop her? No. She went right ahead, mixed it with water and used it as paint. Curie also refused to accept the fact that the ‘white paint’ was not visible once it dried up.
Curie is such a simple minded fellow. This world lacks people like Curie, because honestly, this incident made my day. I was smirking all day long. Be like Curie. Mess up your lives.
Curie has more encounters with those ‘white paints’. Her earphone know that too. Hmm hmm xD
Hawww! That’s true though hahaha