Well, the board examinations are underway and I’m done with mine so here’s an article somewhat related to it. There are like a bazillion articles/videos/guides for the stressed-out students. (I won’t comment on their usefulness) This article though, does not concern students, who I’m sure are busy on better social-networking sites, which they are signing in and out multiple times a day, alternating between the good and the bad.
This article is a step-by-step procedure on being a better neighbour when board examinees live nearby.
Step 1: Don’t exceed the acceptable levels of noise. This not only includes the sound levels of electronics but also human voice, especially if you live in an apartment. Neighbours have no freaking idea how irritating it is when an overly stressed out student is concentrating on solving a calculus equation, but hears a background noise screaming, “Who is dying in that latest-gibberish-spewing Indian sitcom?”
Step 2: That’s it. Repeat Step 1 till their examinations are over.
I know you might be wondering if I’m speaking from personal experience, then YES! I’ve got horrible neighbours. For proof click on the link below.And yes this article is to garner sympathy. So sad me!